Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Get free from fungus disease on toenail

Fungal infections are very general on both fingernail and toenails. It is a living organism that succeeded in dark, moist atmosphere such as under and around nails. Toes are more likely to be exaggerated by fungus because it is attracted to a dark and moist situation which is more frequent on the foot than on the hand. In more severe conditions, pretentious nails can have a yellowish or brownish mark. They may condense or become brittle over time, and may even discard. Sometimes the nails have breakup edges. It can be unsightly, disfiguring, embarrassing and at times very painful. The nail itself provides a defensive covering that permit the fungus to grow underside. An accretion of keratinous debris is usually found below the free border of the infected nail.The biological name for toenail fungus is Onchomycosis that occurs on the nail plate, and tinea of the nails.

Fungisil vs. zetaclear is the best solution to treat the toenail fungus very fast. When patient suffers from nail fungus, their first reaction is of fear. Of course, they want to get rid of it as soon as possible and with furtiveness, the last thing you want is your neighbor finding out you has reeking nail fungus. But, there are two of the most prominent brand for nail fungus natural cure is Zetaclear and Fungisil. Zetaclear is a combined medicinal product with homeopathic ingredients and topical solution. Fungisil is just a topical solution. They are quite new in the market, so there is not much information about them. The good thing about them is that there are no homeopathic ingredients; this means there's no argument.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Vinegar therapy for toenail fungus

Toenail fungus is a fungal disease which usually occurs in moist, dark, and warm environment like the environment between the toes in a shoe. So you should wear airy shoes so that your toes may breath. To cure this disease you try many home remedies. But the best among them is the vinegar therapy. You can either try apple cider vinegar or white vinegar both are the cheapest treatment to cure toenail fungus.

Most vinegar cure toenail fungus consists of daily foot baths in a solution of 50% vinegar and 50% water. You have to soak your feet in that solution for at least 30 minutes. You have to do this for three times a day that is morning, noon and the evening. Vinegar is sour in taste. It is made from the oxidation of ethanol in fermented fruit juice, wine, beer, cider, and other liquids that contain alcohol in them. The acid present in alcohol helps you in relieving the itching and repairing the PH balance.

There are many types of vinegars. Some of them are wine vinegar, cane vinegar, apple cider vinegar, rice vinegar, beer vinegar, balsamic vinegar, honey vinegar, coconut vinegar, etc. all of them are very effective and you can take any one of them according to your choice. However vinegar is an acidic in nature whereas toenail fungus does not like acid. You can also try zetaclear which is anti septic oil to cure your toenail fungus.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Early signs of toe nail fungus

Discoloring of toenail may not be result of toe nail fungus. So it is very tough to find the early sign of toe nail fungus as fungus lives for a long time on a nail bed and remains undetected. After a long period of time it clears up and you get to know that you are suffering from toenail fungus which is a painful disease. In the very beginning your nail turns brown or yellow in color. It may become thick also. You feel that your nail is becoming dry having accumulating layers under the nail and along its edges. There is a possibility of brittle crumbling or breakage of the nail.

Early signs of the toe nail fungus are more occurs on big toe nail. Those have the big nails it is the biggest problem for them as they are the favorite victim of toe nail fungus. But there is confusion between athlete’s foot and the signs of toenail fungus as both are the fungal toe nail infections and both occur in similar patterns. So it is better to go to doctor trim away the infected nail and avoid the spreading. You can use zetaclear solution on your toe nail and can protect your nail. If you are having toe nail fungus then cure in the early phase otherwise you may loose your nail.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How to avoid Toenail fungus

As you know that toenail fungus is a fungal disease and grow in moist and warm places like swimming pools, spas, showers, lockers rooms, etc. fungi lives in warm puddles on tile floors for the short periods of time. It waits for some time to come in and picks it up. If you are wearing water shoes, sandals or swimming booties then there are more chances of having it as your feet directly touch the floor. So after completing your swimming you should wash you feet properly.

To avoid toenail fungus you should wear natural clothes. When you are drying your feet you should use your own towel. You should not share your towel or wash your clothes with others clothes. If you are doing this means you are spreading fungus. You should use toilet paper or paper towel to do the drying of the affected portion. After using it you should throw them. You should wear breathable and comfortable shoes. Nail polish should not be used if the disease is not cured completely.

The person suffering from fungus should always wear cotton, wool or silk shocks as they are very helpful in absorbing moisture. You can also use zetaclear as using regularly will help you in curing toenail fungus.

Friday, June 12, 2009

How to cure a toenail fungus

A toenail fungus is a very harmful disease which occurs on the nail of the toe. After having this disease the nail becomes thick and brownish or yellowish in color. It looks very dull and pains a lot. It can easily destroy your nail. It is very infectious in nature so keep yourself away from those people having this disease.

There are many causes of having toenail fungus. If your immune system is not good then you can suffer from this disease. To avoid this you should take proper diet and rest. If you cut your nail too short or it is badly hurtled due to any reason then there is a possibility of having toenail fungus. Fungus takes place in moist areas. Wearing shoes and shocks for a long period of time makes your fingers and nails moist and as a result fungus easily resides on them.

You can use Zetaclear for the treatment of toenail fungus. Zetaclear solution consists of natural oil and homeopathic components which is very useful for the treatment, as homeopathy has the ability to destroy bacterial and fungus infection from the skin. You should cure the toenail fungus in a proper way otherwise in future it will create a big problem for you.

Friday, June 5, 2009

General Symptoms of Nail fungus

Nail fungus is a disfiguring and embarrassing condition. Undoubtedly if you have it you will be looking for a cure for it. Unfortunately it can be difficult to get rid of. Detecting it early and starting treatment right away is your best option. Now a day busy life does not live alone in which you can care your nail.

The first symptom of a toenail fungus infection is usually discoloration of the nail. The nail may develop white, yellow or brown patches. In some cases the nail may become brittle and appear chipped. There may also be flaky, scaly skin surrounding the infected nail. The classic symptoms of a toenail fungus infection are:

-> Thickened nails
-> Brittle, crumbly or ragged nails
-> Nails that are distorted in shape
-> Yellow, green or black nails
-> Pain in and around the nail bed

Infected nails sometimes separate from the nail bed which can lead to serious problems. A toenail infection that has an unpleasant odor may be in advanced stages and you should see a doctor immediately. If the infection is severe, you will have significant pain and will find it difficult to walk.

If you are thinking that maybe you should just ignore it and it will go away, think again. You cannot cure your nail fungus unless you seek treatment. Nail fungus will not go away by itself - it will only get worse. It may even progress so far that your infected nail(s) will crumble and even fall off. It can get very painful and difficult to walk and wear certain types of shoes.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Home Remedy for Toenail Fungus

At present a million of people are suffering from
toenail fungus and they are looking forward for an effective treatment. Toenail fungus is generally not such dangerous like people think but it can certainly affect your general and social life that will be very embarrassing. Often athletics feet are affecting by toenail fungus very soon. It is generally caused due to fungus that become very little parasitic who identified as dermatophytes. These creatures infect you feet skin and nails causing toenail fungus.

When you have toenail fungus, your nails will usually turn out to be discolored and yellowish. Brittleness and crumbling are also signs of nail fungus. It is also not rare for the nail to raise itself from your nail bed. Occasionally, the nail will actually fall off. It is important to note that toenail fungus is very contagious and you should avoid any areas that might be impure. even if, it can be quite annoying, it is problem that can be solved with several at home remedy solution.

Here a few home remedy method has mentioned to treat and cure toenail fungus. They are:-
• Wash your feet properly with anti-fungal or aloe vera soap.
• Make sure your feet should dry before using foot powder or any topical cream or deodorants.
• Patients should always wear net and clean socks.
• Pay attention to keeping your nails filed and tidy regularly.

As well as people who are looking for an effective toenail fungus treatment and cure, Zetaclear is being also an effective oral alternative that has proven to be quite effective as a natural treatment for toenail fungus.