Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Vinegar therapy for toenail fungus

Toenail fungus is a fungal disease which usually occurs in moist, dark, and warm environment like the environment between the toes in a shoe. So you should wear airy shoes so that your toes may breath. To cure this disease you try many home remedies. But the best among them is the vinegar therapy. You can either try apple cider vinegar or white vinegar both are the cheapest treatment to cure toenail fungus.

Most vinegar cure toenail fungus consists of daily foot baths in a solution of 50% vinegar and 50% water. You have to soak your feet in that solution for at least 30 minutes. You have to do this for three times a day that is morning, noon and the evening. Vinegar is sour in taste. It is made from the oxidation of ethanol in fermented fruit juice, wine, beer, cider, and other liquids that contain alcohol in them. The acid present in alcohol helps you in relieving the itching and repairing the PH balance.

There are many types of vinegars. Some of them are wine vinegar, cane vinegar, apple cider vinegar, rice vinegar, beer vinegar, balsamic vinegar, honey vinegar, coconut vinegar, etc. all of them are very effective and you can take any one of them according to your choice. However vinegar is an acidic in nature whereas toenail fungus does not like acid. You can also try zetaclear which is anti septic oil to cure your toenail fungus.


  1. Really vinegar or white vinegar both are better and cheap solution for toenail fungus treatment.
    Well thanks you for sharing nice article.

    Toenail fungus

  2. Other toenail fungus treatments that can used for toenail fungus are Listerine, Tea Tree Oil and Lemon Juice. But the most effective are Vinegar and Tea Tree Oil.

  3. @Lester,

    I agree with you. Vinegar is one the most effective Toenail treatments in the market today.
