Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Early signs of toe nail fungus

Discoloring of toenail may not be result of toe nail fungus. So it is very tough to find the early sign of toe nail fungus as fungus lives for a long time on a nail bed and remains undetected. After a long period of time it clears up and you get to know that you are suffering from toenail fungus which is a painful disease. In the very beginning your nail turns brown or yellow in color. It may become thick also. You feel that your nail is becoming dry having accumulating layers under the nail and along its edges. There is a possibility of brittle crumbling or breakage of the nail.

Early signs of the toe nail fungus are more occurs on big toe nail. Those have the big nails it is the biggest problem for them as they are the favorite victim of toe nail fungus. But there is confusion between athlete’s foot and the signs of toenail fungus as both are the fungal toe nail infections and both occur in similar patterns. So it is better to go to doctor trim away the infected nail and avoid the spreading. You can use zetaclear solution on your toe nail and can protect your nail. If you are having toe nail fungus then cure in the early phase otherwise you may loose your nail.


  1. Yellow nails are considered as one of the first signs of fungal infection. Apart from this, other signs of fungal infection include thick, ugly, odorous, discolored and unshaped toenails. If your healthy nails turning out to yellow nails, then you might get suffered from fungal infection and require toenail fungus treatment.

  2. One sign is also the discoloration of the nails. Check this out: Toenail treatments .

  3. zetaclear is one of the most good and low-cost slip brandthat real effectively totality aginst the clutch contagion.
    nail fungus treatment
