Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How to avoid Toenail fungus

As you know that toenail fungus is a fungal disease and grow in moist and warm places like swimming pools, spas, showers, lockers rooms, etc. fungi lives in warm puddles on tile floors for the short periods of time. It waits for some time to come in and picks it up. If you are wearing water shoes, sandals or swimming booties then there are more chances of having it as your feet directly touch the floor. So after completing your swimming you should wash you feet properly.

To avoid toenail fungus you should wear natural clothes. When you are drying your feet you should use your own towel. You should not share your towel or wash your clothes with others clothes. If you are doing this means you are spreading fungus. You should use toilet paper or paper towel to do the drying of the affected portion. After using it you should throw them. You should wear breathable and comfortable shoes. Nail polish should not be used if the disease is not cured completely.

The person suffering from fungus should always wear cotton, wool or silk shocks as they are very helpful in absorbing moisture. You can also use zetaclear as using regularly will help you in curing toenail fungus.


  1. Definitely toenail fungus is a very common problem and our lifestyle enhances this problem. We should avoid wearing wet socks and shoes and also shared bathrooms and public swimming pools should be avoided.

    Healthy Nails

  2. To avoid from having nail fungus is to keep away from dirty places. Also, check this out: Toenail treatments .
