Friday, June 5, 2009

General Symptoms of Nail fungus

Nail fungus is a disfiguring and embarrassing condition. Undoubtedly if you have it you will be looking for a cure for it. Unfortunately it can be difficult to get rid of. Detecting it early and starting treatment right away is your best option. Now a day busy life does not live alone in which you can care your nail.

The first symptom of a toenail fungus infection is usually discoloration of the nail. The nail may develop white, yellow or brown patches. In some cases the nail may become brittle and appear chipped. There may also be flaky, scaly skin surrounding the infected nail. The classic symptoms of a toenail fungus infection are:

-> Thickened nails
-> Brittle, crumbly or ragged nails
-> Nails that are distorted in shape
-> Yellow, green or black nails
-> Pain in and around the nail bed

Infected nails sometimes separate from the nail bed which can lead to serious problems. A toenail infection that has an unpleasant odor may be in advanced stages and you should see a doctor immediately. If the infection is severe, you will have significant pain and will find it difficult to walk.

If you are thinking that maybe you should just ignore it and it will go away, think again. You cannot cure your nail fungus unless you seek treatment. Nail fungus will not go away by itself - it will only get worse. It may even progress so far that your infected nail(s) will crumble and even fall off. It can get very painful and difficult to walk and wear certain types of shoes.

1 comment:

  1. nice.. very informative.. thanks for sharing..
    an effective product for a toenail fungus.. it would be zeta clear.. i've tried it and it works!

    how do you get rid of yellow toenails
